NGINX Vs NGINX Plus: Why Upgrade from Open Source to Commercial Version

NGINX is a popular open-source web server that is widely used for its high performance, scalability, and reliability. However, as businesses grow and their web traffic increases, they may need more advanced features and support than what the open-source version can provide. This is where NGINX Plus comes in.


nginx vs nginx plus

NGINX is a lightweight, high-performance web server that was designed to handle a large number of concurrent connections and requests. It was created by Igor Sysoev in 2004 and was initially developed to solve the C10k problem, which refers to the challenge of handling 10,000 concurrent connections on a single server.

NGINX is known for its ability to handle a large number of concurrent connections and requests, making it a popular choice for high-traffic websites and applications. It is also known for its low resource usage, which allows it to handle more requests with less hardware than other web servers. In addition to its web server capabilities, NGINX can also act as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache.

As a reverse proxy, NGINX can be used to improve the performance and security of web applications by offloading tasks such as SSL termination and content caching from backend servers. As a load balancer, NGINX can distribute traffic across multiple servers, ensuring high availability and performance. As an HTTP cache, NGINX can store frequently accessed content in memory or on disk, reducing the load on backend servers and improving response times.

NGINX is available as open-source software under the terms of the 2-clause BSD license. This means that it can be used, modified, and distributed freely, even for commercial purposes. NGINX also offers a commercial version called NGINX Plus, which comes with additional features and support that are not available in the open-source version.

Overall, NGINX is a powerful and flexible web server that is widely used for its high performance, scalability, and reliability. Its ability to handle a large number of concurrent connections and requests, along with its low resource usage, make it a popular choice for high-traffic websites and applications.

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NGINX Vs NGINX Plus: What’s the Difference?

NGINX Plus is the commercial version of NGINX, which means it comes with additional features and support that are not available in the open-source version. Some of the advanced features that NGINX Plus offers include:

  • Load balancing: NGINX Plus provides advanced load balancing capabilities that can distribute traffic across multiple servers, ensuring high availability and performance.
  • Content caching: NGINX Plus can cache frequently accessed content, reducing the load on backend servers and improving response times.
  • SSL/TLS termination: NGINX Plus can terminate SSL/TLS connections, offloading the encryption and decryption process from backend servers and improving performance.
  • Application firewall: NGINX Plus includes a web application firewall that can protect against common web attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.
  • API gateway: NGINX Plus can act as an API gateway, providing a centralized point of control for managing and securing APIs.
  • Advanced monitoring and analytics: NGINX Plus provides real-time monitoring and analytics, allowing you to track performance metrics and troubleshoot issues quickly.

Support and Maintenance

One of the main benefits of upgrading to NGINX Plus is the support and maintenance that comes with it. NGINX Plus customers have access to 24/7 technical support from NGINX experts, as well as regular software updates and security patches. This can be especially valuable for businesses that rely on NGINX for critical applications and services. NGINX Plus also comes with a commercial license, which provides legal protection and indemnification against any potential legal issues that may arise from using the software.

Cost Considerations

While NGINX is free and open-source, NGINX Plus is a commercial product that requires a subscription. The cost of the subscription varies depending on the number of instances and the level of support required. However, for businesses that require advanced features and support, the cost of upgrading to NGINX Plus may be well worth it in terms of improved performance, reliability, and security.

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NGINX Vs NGINX Plus: Which One is Right for You?

nginx vs nginx plus

The decision to upgrade to NGINX Plus ultimately depends on your business needs and priorities. If you are running a small website or application with low traffic, the open-source version of NGINX may be sufficient for your needs. However, if you are running a large-scale application or service that requires advanced features and support, upgrading to NGINX Plus may be the way to go.

When considering whether to upgrade to NGINX Plus, it’s important to weigh the cost of the subscription against the potential benefits in terms of improved performance, reliability, and security. You should also consider the level of support that your business requires, and whether the 24/7 technical support provided by NGINX Plus is worth the cost.


NGINX and NGINX Plus are both powerful web servers that offer high performance, scalability, and reliability. However, for businesses that require advanced features and support, upgrading to NGINX Plus may be the way to go. With its advanced load balancing, content caching, SSL/TLS termination, application firewall, API gateway, and advanced monitoring and analytics capabilities, NGINX Plus provides a one-stop solution for all your application delivery requirements. Additionally, the 24/7 technical support and regular software updates and security patches provided by NGINX Plus can give you peace of mind and ensure that your critical applications and services are always up and running.


What is NGINX?

NGINX is a popular open-source web server that is widely used for its high performance, scalability, and reliability.

What is NGINX Plus?

NGINX Plus is the commercial version of NGINX, which comes with additional features and support that are not available in the open-source version.

What are the advanced features of NGINX Plus?

Some of the advanced features of NGINX Plus include load balancing, content caching, SSL/TLS termination, application firewall, API gateway, and advanced monitoring and analytics capabilities.

Is NGINX Plus worth the cost?

For businesses that require advanced features and support, upgrading to NGINX Plus may be well worth the cost in terms of improved performance, reliability, and security.

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