The 10 Most Popular AI Poems: Best AI Poets and the Humans That Inspire Them

Like other fields of life, artificial intelligence has also mastered the art of poetry. Today, AI has been trained to understand human emotions, the depth of languages, and, surprisingly, the beauty of poetry.

These days, we have AI programs capable of generating engaging and emotionally expressive poems. For lovers of poetry who have ever wondered if they could get a little help from modern technology, here is a roundup of the best 10 Most Popular AI poems generators available. So, let us explore them!

Examples of AI Poetry

Example 1: 

According to World Economic Forum, a competition was held in US where multiple AI generated poems were presented in front a team of judges. The judges were hired from Amazon Mechanical Trunk. Initially, the AI generated poetry gave a very tough time to most of the judges. Some were able to identify the differences.

This shows how far the artificial intelligence has come. Here is that poem:

The sun is a beautiful thing

In silence is drawn

Between the trees

Only the beginning of light

This realm of rain

Grey sky and cloud

It’s quite and peaceful

Safe allowed

And, arguably, worse:

I am a coal-truck

By a broken heart

I have no sound

The sound of my heart

I am not

Example 2:

AI generated poems aren’t only impressing the poets. Even the general public seems to be obsessed by the AI’s response. This is evident through the discussion going on various platforms such as Reddit. In this post, it can be seen that how an AI generated poem is being read by AI art generator.

Example 3:

Here is another poem generated by AI. Here, a programming language (Python) was interlinked with AI to generate this poem.

I conduct myself in a windy manner because I am
drunk and enchanted in this field.
The oxygen around my head is rabid
and filled with orange light
like a equinoctial tiger to its flesh.
My heart moves violently
on this neon ship.

I promise as I were a rotting ghost
forced half-open in love
in front of the gray agony of the darkness
and decaying droplets of acidulous gold.

I reply, only fear and geology are the
leaves of belligerence.

I’d do it for the geology
and I’d do it for the fear of your response.

Example 4: 

The tech giant Google isn’t far behind in this competition. Recently, their specific AI model wrote a poem that resembles to Douglas Adams’s Vogons poetry. Here are a few verses of that poem:

There is no one else in sight.
They were the only ones who mattered.
They were the only ones left.
He had to be with me. She had to be with him.
I had to do this. I wanted to kill him.
I started to cry.
I turned to him.

10 Most Popular Ai Poems Generators – Our Top Pick!

These are some of the Ai powered poem generators available. So, let us explore them:

The 10 Most Popular AI Poems: Best AI Poets and the Humans That Inspire Them

1: DeepArt’s AI Poetry Generator

This AI poem generator is perfect for creating rhyming poems. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, DeepArt creates well-structured rhymes, keeping the consistency and flow intact. You just need to provide a theme or a few keywords, and DeepArt would take care of the rest, providing you with a brilliantly rhymed poem.

2: Poetry Blender

Famous for helping you generate a poem with specific words, Poetry Blender gives the power of language right into your hands. Input your choice of words, and the AI will weave them together into a beautiful piece of poetry. Whether it’s for an assignment, a gift, or just fun, you’re in control of the words.

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3: Lit-Genius Poem Creator

Lit-Genius gives you the unique option to generate a poem from a paragraph. Just write down a paragraph about any topic of your choice, and watch as the AI translates it into a captivating poem. It offers a creative twist to storytelling and is an ideal tool for those who wish to add a poetic touch to their prose.

4: Wordsmith’s Advanced Poem Generator

The Advanced Poem Generator by Wordsmith uses a sophisticated algorithm that allows you to specify the poem’s structure, rhyme scheme, and mood. It’s an excellent tool for those who want to dive deeper into the intricacies of poetry and experiment with various poetry forms.

5: Verse by Verse

Verse by Verse is an online poem maker that takes a more guided approach. You begin by selecting up to three ‘classic’ poets as your AI muse(s), each of whom will help you compose your poem line by line. This platform allows you to tap into the essence of legendary poets, offering a timeless feel to your work.

6: Expresso Poetico

Designed to create a poem with your own words, Expresso Poetico puts you in the driver’s seat. Simply input your thoughts, ideas, or stories, and Expresso Poetico will arrange them into a poem that rhymes and conveys your emotions effectively.

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7: Poetizer

As a free poem-writer tool, Poetizer makes poetry creation easy and accessible. You provide a theme or an emotion, and Poetizer uses its massive database of poetic phrases and vocabulary to generate a unique poem. It’s an ideal tool for those seeking inspiration or a quick way to create beautiful verse.

8: AI Poem Writer

AI Poem Writer is a popular AI tool that excels in creating spontaneous poetry. Input a sentence or two about what you want your poem to be about, and the tool quickly generates a short but meaningful poem. This AI is perfect for those who enjoy surprising and insightful verse.

9: Rhymer’s Block

This tool focuses on helping you write rhyming poems with ease. Rhymer’s Block is perfect for songwriters and poets who need help finding the perfect rhymes. Just type in your lines, and it will provide you with a list of potential rhymes. It’s a great tool to help you maintain your flow.

10: WriteSonnet

WriteSonnet, as the name suggests, specializes in generating sonnets. The AI uses traditional sonnet rules combined with modern language to craft beautifully expressive 14-line poems. This generator is perfect for those who appreciate the classical art form and want to create their own sonnets with a modern twist.

Final Thoughts!

So, these were the best Ai poem generators. In the age of AI, creativity isn’t limited to humans. These AI poem generators are not just tools but partners in your poetic journey.

Whether you’re a professional poet or someone who appreciates good verse, AI can help you write a captivating poem that speaks to the heart. It’s a fascinating blend of technology and creativity, opening up new avenues for poetic exploration.

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